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Meet Lina


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
British Weightlifting Coach Level 2

The Gymnastics Course Level 1

Personal Trainer Level 3


Certified Fitness and Weightlifting Coach 

I am passionate about helping others to reach their full potential. I know sometimes I can seem a bit intense, but chalk that up to my Lithuanian roots and my focus on results! Like many, I've struggled with body image, but fitness changed it as I discovered that my body was capable of amazing things – like winning Olympic weightlifting medals!  

My fitness journey wasn't easy. Overcoming a slipped disc demanded a deep understanding of biomechanics and rehabilitation. This experience, coupled with my dedication to continuous learning, fueled my pursuit of certifications in Personal Training, CrossFit, Weightlifting, and Gymnastics. These qualifications and experience in sport gave me the knowledge to help people achieve their fitness goals in a safe, effective and most balanced way.

Now, I'm driven to help others find their own strength, build healthy habits, and gain the confidence to tackle any challenge life throws at them.

Coach Lina

Olympic Weightlifting 

I was 29 years old when I decided to give this sport a go. Knowing most of serious competitors start in their teenage years and not having a sports back ground, I kept an open mind. But the sport has taken me to regional and national competitions and I am quite proud of my achievements.

All though I stopped competing a few years back I am still very passionate about it. I love the sport. It is so complex and challenging, but rewarding at the same time. When you do it all right and make a very heavy barbell feel weightless in the air, it makes you feel like a super human. It trains all of the 6 motor skills: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction and speed. You carry out motor skills when your brain, nervous system and muscles work in concert to move parts of your body in large or small manoeuvres. And it all transfers into meeting the demands of daily tasks. 

I a certified British Weightlifting Level 2 coach. I would love to share my experience and help others to perfect their lifts. And don't worry I know not everyone wants to get involved with Oly Lifting and that’s ok, there are plenty of other ways to get all the benefits of the sport.

Coach Lina at British Weightlifting Competition

The Wins

London + South East

Gold medalist X 1, Silver medalist X 3

British Senior Championship

Bronze medalist in 2014

Southern Masters

Gold medalist X 2

And few others

Coach Lina at British Weightlifting Competition
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